An Exercise in Unknowing
Users partial to greenish things have traditionally been found in relatively great numbers in both gardening and military circles, so there’s likely to be a huge potential market for all things greenish. And plasticky things tend to be both cost-effective and somewhat durable, which are often desirable qualities in things. So there’s usually plenty reason to make something greenish and plasticky. Certainly, greenish and/or plasticky items were already present in abundance, but this would be a different greenish plasticky thing.
After some designing and prototype testing –one must assume- a company was ready to produce the greenish plasticky thing. They made at least one, which is the one that’s now been deconstructed, but it’s quite likely that more were made, since many manufacturers tend to make more than one item of their products. Probably for reasons of –again- cost-effectiveness. Or to keep themselves busy, which seems a basic requirement for happiness, or at least the absence of unhappiness.