Under Deconstruction: 
Electro Boy

Under Deconstruction: 
Electro Boy

Just to assure the world -but mostly the voices- that I’m still deconstructing, here’s an update from my current project: the Electro Boy. The voices keep telling me I’m a quitter, but I tell them ’you’re quitters yourselves’ and ‘I’m just way better at starting than I am at finishing’ and I’m quite sure that’ll teach them.

Official sources (the Internet) claim it’s a timer switch, or as it’s known in its native land: ein Universalschaltuhr. But already a far more interesting possibly true story is revealing itself through deconstruction.

This picture shows exactly where we’re at (me, Electro Boy and the voices).

The Electro Boy consists of some 280 parts -72 of which are funny fishbeast as seen in this circle of life (a short stop motion video about the fishbeast is also in the making for your viewing pleasure).

It’s always a bit daunting to see all parts on a pile, but time has taught me that baby steps will get me there in the end.

I’ve already reconstructed the power outlet on Electro Boy’s back and some wire-connectification-plate from its innards.

To further demystify the wonderful world of deconstruction: the red flags indicate parts that will have to be shot again, because their shadows don’t match, because I guessed their orientation wrong at the time of shooting. Which happens quite a lot, but I’m a sucker for repetitition, so it’s all good.
