Ve Are ze Robots
(Pling Plang Pling Plong)
I. Love. Robots. I know I recently said I love cars, and that’s still true. I just love machines, I guess.
When I found this shiny colourful guy (you can tell by looking between the legs), he was quite aggressively marching toward me, shouting: ‘Fire. Fire. [something I couldn’t quite make out –robot language, perhaps] Fire. Pew pew pew.’ Not very friendly. But can a robot ever be bad? I like to believe all robots go to to heaven. So I’ve kindly sent him on his way by deconstructing his earthly body. Freeing the world of some quite annoying sounds in the process.
The Inspiring Motivational Text is rather firmly based on the inspiring motivational lyrics of The Robots, from my favourite Kraftwerk album The Man Machine (the title track of which inspired an earlier deconstruction, as seen below).
With 151 parts this robot is by far the partiest toy I’ve deconstructed so far, taking 13th place in the Overall Number of Parts Chart. Sizewise it has been rewarded the bronze medal, with 722 MegaPixels. And it’s Surprise Rate is surprisingly high for a robot, considering robots ought to be pretty predictable: SR=.60, with 91 newly discovered parts.